Teen Run Over and Killed as Thieves Steal His iPad
Posted May 19, 2013 at 2:17am by iClarified
Marcos Vincente Arenas, a 15 year old Las Vegas teen, was run over and killed by a SUV while trying to prevent thieves from stealing his iPad, reports the Las Vegas Sun.
Investigators determined Arenas was walking on the south side of Charleston Boulevard carrying the iPad when a white vehicle, believed to be a Ford Explorer or Expedition manufactured between 2008 and 2010, stopped and a man exited the passenger side of the vehicle.
The man attempted to steal the iPad and started to drag the teen, who was trying to hold on to the device, police said. Arenas was dragged to the vehicle, and the suspect got back into the SUV with the teen still grasping at the tablet or somehow being held by the suspect, according to a Metro news release.
As the driver fled the scene, Arenas reportedly fell and was struck by the vehicle. He died at University Medical Center from his injuries.
The suspect who grabbed the iPad was described as a white male in his late 20s, about 6 feet tall and weighing 180-200 pounds. He has short slicked back blonde hair which was shaved on the sides and a neatly trimmed beard. At the time he was wearing blue jeans and a white tank top.
The driver of the vehicle was a black male in his mid 20s, medium build, with a fade haircut. He may have tattoos on both arms and was last seen wearing a black shirt and possibly a long chain with a pendant.
Below are photos of what Metro Police describe as a "person of interest and a vehicle of interest" in the case.
“There has got to be people who saw stuff, and we want those people to come forward,” Metro spokesman Bill Cassell said.
The suspect who grabbed the iPad was described as a white male in his late 20s, about 6 feet tall and weighing 180-200 pounds. He has short slicked back blonde hair which was shaved on the sides and a neatly trimmed beard. At the time he was wearing blue jeans and a white tank top.
Bryan: you're right about God being forgiving but not until they take ownership of their actions. That would be coming forward here on earth and recognizing Jesus died for the sins committed. Something tells me that's not likely so it will be the standard way of being caught, and you bet that they will be caught. Meantime a family now deals with a tragedy that's unbelievably horrible
Walking around with an iPad or iPhone is a big risk.Its a good source of money for theives.Here at my local mall I would expect to see anywhere from 6-8 people with iPads around the food court area which is highly crowded.This is not intelligent.It is shameful that life was lost over a iPad.The people responsible will be caught.God will forgive you.I'll be preying for the family of the deceased.
@Paul: Get your facts straight. Sarah Hall Ingram, a senior IRS official who formerly headed the IRS office that targeted tea party and conservative organizations. Last year, Ingram was promoted at the IRS and now leads the agency's implementation of ObamaCare. Also, if you don't know facts, please don't pretend like you are smart and rant about lies. Benghazi scandal happened around reelection. Obama told Hillary and ambassador Rice to lie about the reason for the attack. They lied to American voters. Then, the AP got wiretapped by Obama's Dept. of Justice. How the heck does Obama not responsible for all this mess? I head a family and anything that goes on and happens in my family is my responsibilities. If I can't be hold liable then it's time for someone to head that family. Got it?
@GetTheFacts you should at least try to leave up to a semblance of your name. Your rants are your opinion but are not proven facts. Saying it does not make it so. I guess i should blame Obama for my mail not being delivered properly since my mail man is a federal employee. The folks at IRS get paid well and as such should own up to their own screw up. Comparing a family structure to the federal govt. is disingenuous at best. I thought you said that Sarah Ingram is the problem so why are you blaming Obama. You can't have it both ways. Looks like what you are doing is throwing things on a wall to see what sticks. Obamacare is the law of the land and instead of all the time and money wasting 37 repeals to nowhere side shows, GOP should pass some meaningful legislations to fix whats wrong with it and pass at least ONE jobs bill.
@Paul: The apple doesn't fall far from the tree. Ingram violated the laws when heading IRS. Why should she lead Obamacare now? Who promoted her? How Obama not know? You really think Obama didn't know that Ingram was doing him a favor by singling out political rivals during reelection? Is it a coincidence? Use your brain and think and analyze buddy!
This is a tragedy. It reminds me of how the San Francisco PD (and now the NYPD as well, I believe) have asked Apple to help them with an apparent increase in violence against people who carry iPhones.
I briefly lived in Las Vegas and to walk on any stretch of Charleston Blvd. at any time - day or night - with an iPad out in the open, is asking for trouble. Of course, it shouldn't be that way, but our country has always been a violent one.
As for our government, just ask the people of East Timor or Panama - to mention a few lesser known atrocities - about how they feel about our "liberty-loving" foreign policy. If I don't post in a while, I'm probably getting water-boarded in the basement of the White House, because until the so-called Patriot Act is repealed, nobody is safe and everybody is a potential terrorist, depending solely on the mood our govt. is in at any given time.
Obama wants your guns. Yet, his administration is stockpiling over 2 billion hollow point rounds of ammunition and tons of urban assault vehicles and machines. For what??? No other reason than to use them on the citizens. Why? Control.
You must fight and demand that these weapons should be put back in the public. We must prepare to defend ourselves against enemies including a corrupted government who will sacrifice its people for evil purposes. This has happened before. History will repeat itself.
that is one of reasons i will never ever buy cupertino products for kids, impossible to protect against fanboys going rouge. Whereas Samsungs are not only far better but so safer to use.
This is so sick ! You kill a young guy for his iPad ! violence is happening every day WARNING tourists don't go to this country it's very very dangerous!