Apple Has the Most Loyal and Devoted Users [Chart]
Posted May 18, 2013 at 4:02pm by iClarified
Apple users represent 58% of the world's loyalists and 56% of its devotees, according to a recent survey done by Forrester and relayed by FORTUNE.
According to the study 85% of worldwide computer users and 88% of U.S. users have little to no loyalty to a particular ecosystem. However, among those 12-15% that do show loyalty, Apple dominates.
Users are divided into three categories of devotion: ● The Free Radicals - little to no loyalty (single device or multiple devices all from a different ecosystem) ● The Loyalists- moderate loyalty (multiple devices with a majority of devices from a single ecosystem) ● The Devotees - strongly loyal (multiple devices all from a single ecosystem)
As you can see below. Apple users represent 58% of the world's loyalists and 56% of its devotees. In the U.S., Apple users account for 59% of loyalists and 71% of devotees. Microsoft accounts for 44% of devotees and 17% of loyalists. Google accounts for just 1% of devotees but has 25% of the loyalists.
Take a look at the chart below for more details...
It is not the device or even the company but the vision and roadmap the company creates and follows through.
There will always be those that like this and hate that. It is part of life and things will really get really boaring if everyone liked the same thing.
I am an Apple devotee for a number of reasons of which some will hate for the exact same reasons. Still the company got to the head of the pack and will relinquish the lead for some time before it takes the lead again and so on as in Microsoft, Google, and even Nokia!
One device will not make me switch from Apple after 20 years with Microsoft. For me, I am in it for the journey!
I had all iPhones/iPads, but now I got the galaxy s4, that says something, Im not saying android is better system but at this moment samsung had a superior phone, android still need to improve though, even Saurik is coding for it, don't be a hatter just agree to disagree
The way they are going, these pies will change soon enough. I've owned every iPhone since the iPhone 3GS except for the 5 because it offers NOTHING that the 4S doesnt have. Why would I "upgrade" to the 5 and have to worry about carrying two cables (one for iPad 3 one for iPhone 5)? I was waiting for the 5S, but then the HTC One came along with such a design, speed, and features that it made it pointless to wait for the 5S. Bye bye iPhone. I also bought the Surface Pro tablet which has made me barely touch the iPad... I guess it is time to say bye to Apple, not just the iPhone.
My guess would be to tell a story or of a personal experience . That's what forums are for. You would be a troll, someone who cruises forums to scold people. If you don't need any help why are you here?
The only Apple product I gave up was the iPhone. Apple got so paranoid they were being copied, they will never catch up with HTC or Android. But I went back to my trusty old Motorola. Yes old, it was syncing by bluetooth 6 years ago and has an sd card slot and 3G connection for browsing and tethering.
I've had 3 iPhones and they are all past their prime. I promised myself I would go back to iPhone when Apple started caring enough about stolen devices to protect consumers. There is one case in Apple helped recover stolen products. When Steve Jobs wife was burglarized. So it's not that they can't. It's in their best interest not too care.