Check out this new concept and 3D model by Ricardo Afonso for a transparent iPad.
Sometimes I like to imagine how the design of some electronic devices will be in the future. In the specific case of tablets and smartphones, I imagine them as just a rectangular piece of glass that blends perfectly with the surrounding environment, without any elements of the hardware that could visually disconnect the user from the content during the interaction, improving the level of immersion and the user experience.
However, because we are still far from having such a device, I started thinking on how the appearance of the tablets will evolve in a more near future, with some elements from todays design mixed with a design that those fully transparent tablets possibly will have in a more distant future. Then, by using the knowledge that I have in the area of computer-generated imagery (CGI) and observing an iPad as a starting point, I created a 3D model of what I think it could be one of the next generations tablets, mixing elements from the current iPad with some more advanced elements, such as a transparent screen. As for the look of the operating system, I kept it pretty much the same as the current iOS, for when people see this concept can quickly identify it as an iPad.
This argument seems interesting but just to let you know that the technology for this device already exists in a reasonably developed stage. In fact I conduct research within the scope of transparent thin film devices and this concept is only the tip of the iceberg. Within the next 10-15 years a lot more will be possible [] Enjoy.
Everybody's talking about battery but there's a whole Lotta other shit going on here battery is the one thing I wasn't to worried about pretty cool but so are a lot of concepts I've seen. some crazy shit and I'm sure you'd all have arguments on all that but it was a nice video & I don't think this should be taken so serious lol.... Did you all see the two iPads that linked together and make a 3-D holographic projection of a football video game... Now that kind a could happen sooner but seriously what about the battery issue there lol
To all these people saying it won't work, obviously. It's a future conception. Atleast in this he left strips at the top and bottom to house the components. I hope in years to follow we aren't limited to the same batteries we have today.
I think it's cool but you need to make the home screen button is and the camera wider because we we need battery power and also so it cod protect it more and its really idiotic to use glass so you should use glass that's really really really hard to break and won't break after a couple of drops of the iPad i really think its a cool concept but there's a lot of problem with it but you should really think about it
Actually it is a very good dezign and it should be taken seriouslu actually.Of coutse the black or white poeces should be wider from the left side to the ride side so they could cover all the circuits and battery .For the transparency nowadays it is no problem at all but the power would never be even with the actual least now bit who knows....Transparency is good actually because we like sometimes to see thru while walkîg or driving and as you notice already the future of hardware will be fixed on transparency/invisibility!
The idea of a transparent display is utterly idiotic! Sure, it looks cool in movies, but in real life it's just a drawback.
The only place where transparent displays are good is in the head-up display of a car or a fighter jet.
It would be a perfect fit for me, because I know that every place that I bring it to will be all blurry so that I can actually read what the screen says...
The motherboard CPU memory and all the components are transparent too!!!!!
The components inside the CPU and the memory banks are transparent!!!
All the wires are transparent.
Makes for easy maintenance/upgrades!!!!!
You have to use transparent tools.
Omgggg. This would be the hottest iPad if it were true hope it turns into reality and I hope they change the iOS format for each device. Cause iPod touch iPhone iPad iPad mini r all the same. :( sad