Steve Jobs' Yacht Christened 'Venus' is Launched [Video]
Posted October 28, 2012 at 8:10pm by iClarified
The yacht Steve Jobs was working on with French designer Philippe Starck and Dutch shipbuilder Feadship has been launched, reports OneMoreThing. Christened 'Venus' the yacht was unveiled at an event in Aalsmeer, Netherlands. The event was attended by Laurene Powell Jobs and their three children.
Employees who have worked on the ship OMT told that the ship between 70 and 80 meters long. The exterior is entirely made of aluminum so the ship is much lighter than other yachts. A unique feature is the large sun terrace (with Jacuzzi) on the foredeck and the continuous windows in the bow. Behind the portholes are the quarters of the crew. At the stern hatches which are smaller (speed) boat back down to the country to achieve when a port is too small for the ship. The control of the hunting is done from seven 27-inch iMacs in the wheelhouse.
Workers who helped build the ship were invited to the event and thanked with an iPod shuffle.
A boat of that magnitude on every level (technology, creme of the crop in ship building and costs) and a freaking iPod shuffle as a way of saying "thank you?" Im sorry, I don't mean to be an ungrateful thinker, but that's a crappy thank you gift. Maybe they're referring to the caterers for the ceremony? Gosh i sure hope so because the designers et al should at the minimum got an IPad if you're going to be giving a gift. "As a way to say thanks i present all parties involved with their very own 2007 mini i shuffle."
No where in the class of Ferretti or Wally 118 or heaven forbid an Eclipse yacht.
Jobs has just become a cheap jonnie in my books if that is all he could afford to give the working team of builders. A MAC Pro would have been a better choice. Maybe he could not afford that?
Good grief! How much did he pay these folks to buy the iYacht... and you want to give them a $1400 computer along with their pay? Whew... this sounds like Obamanomics... let's pay for the product, then have to pay more cause they didn't get enough to begin with! Yeeeessshhh!!!!
Ipod shuffle...really? I got one for helping set up an elementary carnival. BOat is iugly. Im sure it's all trimmed out to be an iyacht but isn't life odd.
"One More Thing" would have been a great name for this vessel. I hope Steve is enjoying looking at it from the iCloud!
Simon... awesome: "iYacht!"
Santos... great as well: "Hope he got AppleCare!"
Culuna... it would be an A6X chip... and it would take a whole slew of 'em!
I would be willing to bet that this thing wreaks of hi-tech toys throughout. Maybe in future days/weeks/months, we will get a glimpse of more of the inside amenities.
There's an app for this!
Steve was a Mac daddy..he never brags ,but he surely does knew how to live a life to the fullest .
I wonder if he has a Samsung fridge?
Beautiful Yacht..
The shuffle is one thing but the yacht another... and it is not so fine. IMHO Steve Jobs made very nice computers and hitech gadgets but his yacht is awful... It may be a technically valid design, but it does not look like a ship, more like a condo with penthouse...
When you think potentially hundreds of people were involved with building something like this a Shuffle doesn't seem so bad. That's if they gave everyone involved something and not just those around for the entire build.