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Apple Responds to Purple Hazed Photo Complaints With Knowledge Base Article

Apple Responds to Purple Hazed Photo Complaints With Knowledge Base Article

Posted October 7, 2012 at 4:29pm by iClarified
Apple has posted a support document with suggestions for how to prevent a purple haze from appearing in your iPhone photos.

A purplish or other colored flare, haze, or spot is imaged from out-of-scene bright light sources during still image or video capture.

Most small cameras, including those in every generation of iPhone, may exhibit some form of flare at the edge of the frame when capturing an image with out-of-scene light sources. This can happen when a light source is positioned at an angle (usually just outside the field of view) so that it causes a reflection off the surfaces inside the camera module and onto the camera sensor. Moving the camera slightly to change the position at which the bright light is entering the lens, or shielding the lens with your hand, should minimize or eliminate the effect.

The document follows numerous complaints from iPhone 5 owners who believe this purple haze should not be appearing in their photos.

Side by side comparisons with photos taken by the iPhone 4S and other cameras appear to show that the iPhone 5 is more susceptible to this problem.

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Apple Responds to Purple Hazed Photo Complaints With Knowledge Base Article

Apple Responds to Purple Hazed Photo Complaints With Knowledge Base Article
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Comments (23)
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Unknown - October 9, 2012 at 3:09pm
Took 4 pictures directly looking at the sun at different angles and location slight purple haze using white iPhone 5 not much of a problem like the picture on iclarified
Big B
Big B - October 9, 2012 at 7:37am
For me, it only happens when I'm high on psychedelics and doing photography shots of the midday sun. I smoke some tryptamine-based research chemicals, then the sun turns purple and so do my photos OF the sun. After I realize this, the sun tells me to go and develop the photos, but I don't know how. I tell it that the phone doesn't have film. The sun scolds me and then tells me that's why my photos look like ****! Then Jimi Hendrix comes up, wailing on the guitar and the sun says… damn. That dude can jam! Plus, he's got the damn guitar upside down on top of the fact! He's shredding like that, and he's 10x higher than you could ever hope to be! See, his iPhone was acting up too; he even wrote a song about it. Now, he doesn't even care about his iPhone because he's too busy getting laid and playing these amazing runs on that thing faster than you can jerk yourself off. He's not even looking, he's got his eyes closed, guitar upside down, high as an asteroid… that's your problem. Oh! He's black, too! A bit put off, I said, "So? What about BB King or Buddy Guy? They were great guitar players as well, and they were also black..." He said it was a compliment, not an insult. The sun asked me if I'd ever seen him turn people's skin white. I said no, usually they tan and get darker. Exactly, he said, snidely. Then he told me to go home and read the KB article. Except he called it the bull**** article... That he wasn't purple, he was orange-ish, and that purple was the opposite of orange, and that the real problem was that my phone was a broken piece of trash. I didn't even know if that was true! I don't know what the opposite of orange is! Or purple for that matter! But he was convincing. I woke up sometime shortly thereafter naked on my neighbor's porch. I told the people at the Salad Bar? Geek Bar? Whatever it is... what all had happened, and they asked me what the hell I'd been smoking. I told them 5-MeO-DMT, and the dude just said "Oh... right on." Then he said he'd replace the phone with another one. To this day, I still don't know what color is the opposite of orange. But I got a new phone, and I got to talk to the sun and see Jimi Hendrix finger that guitar like my Uncle Carl fin... er, never mind. So overall, it wasn't so bad in the end. I just wish I knew why my neighbor flicks his tongue at me like a snake every time I walk past his house now. It's gross.
FadetoBlack - October 9, 2012 at 3:25pm
Dafuq did I just read??
Jay - October 8, 2012 at 4:16pm
It's a design flaw. Just like the first upper left pic, You can see the reflection of the lens. All the pic I took with the white iPhone 5 has the same lens reflection in the pic at a certain angles which gives it a purple haze..
Jay - October 8, 2012 at 4:23pm
Also did anyone notice the Tap and Hold feature doesn't work in google search bar?
Itopher - October 8, 2012 at 4:00am
Have black and tried to get the purple effect today just nice pics of the sun...
KELSJK - October 7, 2012 at 11:57pm
I have the black iPhone and I don't get any purple haze!
imdope - October 7, 2012 at 10:14pm
i have an iphone 4 i'm not an apple hater, but people must admit apple is getting bad, the waiting this long to get a phone full of bugs
Marky - October 8, 2012 at 3:37am
Indeed! I agree!!!
sidewinder - October 8, 2012 at 7:37pm
your original comment says you own an iphone 4. then you follow up by saying you haven't ever used an iphone. which is it? or are you a troll that doesn't bother aiming for consistency in your lies? either one is ok by me. have a nice day.
iCrunch - October 7, 2012 at 7:48pm
Well, I don't think this is cool and the so-called "Support article" is a joke when Phil Schiller makes it a point to underline the amazing camera system (it's a *system*, not just a camera haha) inside the iPhone (insert number). I have the black version of the iPhone 5 and can't reproduce the problem that some of you are having. I just took a bunch of pictures in the Southern California sun and I just looked at them on the iPhone. Nothing but beautiful shots. So, for those of you affected, just have them swap it out. They will. 14-day return policy notwithstanding. And get them to partially refund your device for your inconvenience. When I had two Retina MacBook Pro's where the screen was less than STELLAR, they literally overnighted me a new one before I even sent mine back and I got them for some cash each and every time.
seya - October 7, 2012 at 5:55pm
It's funny how all you apple fans are ok with all this glitches and issues with iPhones and yet you pay top dollar for them. Bad camera = it's normal, crappy maps = it will get better, calls dropped = lets get a cove or hold it carefully...
FadetoBlack - October 7, 2012 at 6:11pm
It's even funnier to see how Apple-haters can't seem to help themselves from seeking out Apple blogs and articles to post pointless banter. You seem to be more obsessed with Apple than the fans themselves
iThink - October 8, 2012 at 1:53am
@Seya: booooya! (Just like the kid in Real Steel)
Russell - October 8, 2012 at 5:38am
Coming here is like watching hamsters in a cage.

They are easily seduced with shiny gadgets and are on the upgrade treadmill without even knowing it.
Kentwang - October 8, 2012 at 7:47am
Doesn't matter what's wrong with iphone. Got an iphone 4s last year for $199 Upgrade to 5 for $199 Sold my 4s for $360 No other phone will get you half price after 6 months.
3abbid - October 7, 2012 at 5:49pm
i have recently bought and iphone 5 and the purple haze shit is present in most of my photos! i aint got time to adjust the angle of the camera ,so that the light can enter.... my 4s is perfect and has non of these issues ... i dont recommend an upgrade to IP5 if you care for the camera quality.
FadetoBlack - October 7, 2012 at 5:51pm
Lol, don't have time to change the angle? It takes less than a second
Gambit86 - October 7, 2012 at 5:21pm
It's caused from the sapphire glass over the camera, hold ur iPhone 5 at an angle and look at the camera it has a very distinct purple tint. I can personally deal with it and would much rather have this than plastic that scratches easy.
FadetoBlack - October 7, 2012 at 4:55pm
I have an iPhone 5, the purple haze is just light reflecting off the camera housing. It isn't a defect
Xand3r - October 7, 2012 at 4:36pm
I'm kind of curious, were those pictures taken with the white, black or both phones? I wonder if you get the purple haze with both models or just the white one.
Glitch - October 7, 2012 at 6:22pm
I see it with my white iPhone 5
Xand3r - October 8, 2012 at 4:50pm
That's what I thought, the only pictures I've seen with the "purple haze" have been taken with the white model.
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